Industrial Designer

There was a phase where humanity was unaware of the thing we today know as machines. After Industrial Revolution, machines were produced on a large scale. But, still, there was time when machines became part of our day to day life.

Progressively, as the user base increased, designing a machine became more and more challenging. This was because designer had to design his product for users with differences in age groups, proficiency in understanding technology and culture.

Today, a Designer acts as a link between a ‘machine’ and the ‘user’. Goal is to reciprocate the functionality via appearance without loosing the aesthetic element of the product. A translator without physically being present when the user interacts with the machine.
To add expression which strikes at human (or may be animal) sub conscious and connects the user with the product.



As the designing stream evolves, we have many different types of designers in this industry, like, graphic designer, automotive designer, brand designer and the list goes on.

All the mentioned and unmentioned designers have different roles to play in our society, but, the essence remains the same: Controlling the cognitive content when you witness their product!

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